Monday, February 21, 2011

To leave or not to leave, that is the question!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, but with the holidays and the way my new year began, I simply haven't had the time (and those who know me personally, understand).

Lately, I've been questioning whether or not Connections Academy is the right program for us. As previously posted, I had touched base with a couple of our teachers to revise the lesson plans for Drew and Wolfie so that they could spend more time on certain math lessons. While the teachers worked with me, I still feel the children continue to move forward on the subject of math faster than necessary. I would rather see them truly master the basic foundation lessons of math and retain that information, than have them move forward into areas quickly, covering plenty of ground but not remembering any of it later.

Consequently, I have been entertaining other homeschooling programs. I have a family member that was homeschooled and continues the tradition with her son; she has given me lots of information and support (I am truly thankful).

But for math, I am really happy with the program and the childrens progress in all other subjects. I could do without some of the ridiculous "trick" questions snuck in here and there. I believe those only promote self-doubt and insecurities; although I understand they may encourage a student to pay more attention to detail, it can be saved for late-middle and high school grades (elementary is just too young for those "games"). Connection Academy's teachers have been amazing! The program itself, is easy to use for everyone. The curriculum and grading system is fine. Therefore, leaving Connections would not be a decision made lightly.

(p.s. I do not, however, have any regrets whatsoever about pulling the children from our local public schools.)


  1. Reading your posts was such a relief to me, we are having the exact same problems in math. It's just too fast for my daughter and because of that I feel she is missing out on a strong foundation for the basics. We are unsure at this time if we will continue in CA next year as well. If you don't mind sharing what other homeschool options are you looking into?

  2. I have a family member who is currently using Sonlight (site:, check first to see if it’s right for you: She also stated, “WinterPromise is another program that goes through the 12th grade. It's like Sonlight, but does more hands on stuff” ( I have a Facebook friend that received the following responses to her inquiry about homeschooling:
    Alpha Omega -
    The Pioneer Woman -
    Montessori -
    A Beka -
    K12 -
    North Texas Academy -
    HSLDA -
    My Fathers World -

    I’m still on the prowl though, and I will certainly post when a decision is made. Feel free to contact me anytime with questions, and let me know what you find out as well.
