Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Art Project Ideas

Lesson 1: 365-Photo project. Take one photo each day of the year.

Lesson 2: Henna Hands

Lesson 3: 3D Hand art: Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4

Lesson 4: Make a mandala! Watch this video about the construction and destruction of a mandala. Watch this video too, then read about mandalas

Lesson 5: Make a drawing related to a favorite quote. First, pick a quote! If you can't think of one, look here or here or here or here. There are lots of places to find a good quote. Write your quote anywhere on your paper - then draw a picture or put doodle art around it.

Lesson 6: Melted crayon art. Watch this video

Lesson 7: Find a photo from a magazine. Cut it out and then cut it in half. Adhere to white drawing paper. Then Draw the other half. Sample 1

Lesson 8: Shaded Cat

Lesson 9: Pattern Cat

Lesson 12: Tree of Life

Lesson 13: Creative Journaling ideas: Examples: Art Journal blogBesottment, watch this video too!

Lesson 14: Optical Art

Lesson 15: Dancing Oobleck

Lesson 16: Practice drawing eyes: Step by step tutorial

Lesson 17: Leaf art! Find a green leaf outside. Paint one side of it, then press to paper. Lift, and voila! Pretty leaf art worthy of framing!

Lesson 18: T-shirt Art! This one involves preparing ahead because your parent may need to purchase a solid-colored t-shirt (unless you have an old one laying around that you can use) and bleach pens. Sample 1, and Sample 2

Lesson 19: Make a zentangle! Watch this video.

Lesson 20: Draw outside! Find a comfortable place outdoors. Draw something you see.

Lesson 21: Design your own bookmark.

Lesson 22: Color the entire page with doodle art. Check out this site for examples.

Lesson 23: Doodle inside a scribble! Draw a scribble on your page, then decorate inside the lines.

Lesson 24: Design the perfect bedroom! If you could have any room in the world, what would it look like? Draw a picture of how your perfect bedroom would look to you.

Lesson 26: Make art with your fingerprints!

Lesson 27: Create your own Family Crest and/or Coat of Arms! Read: What is a Coat of Arms? Read: Family Coat of Arms: What is it? Do I have one? 

Lesson 28: Work collaboratively. First person begins drawing for 1 minute, then pass to your sibling so that he/she can draw on the same page for 1 minute. Continue passing back and forth until the picture is complete.

Lesson 29: Make a pine cone bird feeder!

Lesson 30: Styrofoam Stamp


Lesson 31: Make Koolaid Playdough

Koolaid Playdough Recipe

Schoolhouse Rock!

YouTube link for Schoolhouse Rock Channel!

Just a Bill

Conjunction Junction


Counting by Fives

Grammar Rock


The Preamble

No more kings

Get your adverbs here

Three branches of government


Monday, December 17, 2012

computer programming | App building

Code Academy

Scratch (download)

Hackety Hack (download)

Fuse Labs: Kodu (download)

Kahn Academy: Computer Science

Kids Ruby (download)


Homeschool Programming Inc.



Hello World: Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners (book)

America: The Story of Us

America: The Story of Us (dvd series)

History Channel Episode Guide 1
EPISODE 1: Rise of the Patriots - The founding of Jamestown and Plymouth, the hardships of the early colonies, the arrival of Africans and development of slavery, and interactions with Native Americans, are explored. As the colonies prevail, tensions with the British ignite. 

EPISODE 2: Revolution! - The sparks of rebellion, the Declaration of Independence, and the drama of the American Revolution are examined in this episode. The triumph of General George Washington and his troops pave the way for a new nation; the United States is officially born. 

EPISODE 3: Westward - As wagon trains and cattle barons headed westward, they confronted Native American Indians, the Spanish and the French. Westward migration, the discovery of gold and other resources, and the battles to dominate the American landscape are covered in this episode.

EPISODE 4: Seeds of War - America became a nation just as a revolution in commerce and industry swept the western world. This episode explores the economic growth of the U.S. in the context of rising divides between the North and South over slavery. After the election of Abraham Lincoln, Civil War became inevitable.

EPISODE 5: Civil War - In 1863, the Confederate Army seemed poised to overtake the Union forces. Following the bloody battle of Antietam, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Former slaves joined the Union army in droves. With battlefield technology and steely resilience, the Union prevailed and America was perched to become a global superpower.

EPISODE 6: Conquering the Plains - In 1869, the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of America were linked by continuous metal rails. Railroads connected Americans in new ways and altered the entire ecology of the continent. The vast Plains, where buffalo and Native Americans had roamed, were remade by land speculators and industrialists. In less than a quarter of a century, the West was transformed.

EPISODE 7: City - In 1871 Chicago burned to the ground and from the ashes of the old a new kind of city rose. A flood of new immigration, resistance among workers to unfair conditions, and the expansion of mass transportation are covered. The innovative, entrepreneurial American spirit embodied by business leaders and everyday Americans come to life in this episode.

EPISODE 8: Boom - Henry Ford’s Model T and assembly line, together with the discovery of abundant oil reserves, opened up a new way of life in the 20th-century U.S. This episode traces the significance of WWI, African American migration to northern cities, prohibition, and the onset of the film industry.

EPISODE 9: Bust - On October 29, 1929 the boom time of the 1920s crashed on Wall Street. The dramatic effects of the Great Depression and New Deal are the topics of this episode. Despite economic collapse, major public works projects such as the Hoover Dam proved the might of the U.S. worker.

EPISODE 10: America at War - America was still mired in the Great Depression, but U.S. involvement in WWII revved the engines of the U.S. economy – and changed American society forever.  This episode delves into the WWII era with attention to the role of women and African Americans, the use of new technologies of war, and the enormous effects of this era on the place of the U.S. in the world order.

EPISODES 11 and 12: Then and Now - America’s most prominent leaders and personalities reflect on the defining moments of post-WWII America including the Cold War, the space race, the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War and Watergate. September 11th is memorialized and the significance of President Obama’s election is analyzed. The series concludes with a look at what has endured – and what has changed – over 400 years of U.S. history.

Yoga for Children

Episode 1: Squish the Fish

Episode 2: Parsnip the Cat

Episode 3: Kickapoo the Kangaroo

Episode 4: Pedro the Penguin

Episode 5: Joybob the Polar Bear

Meditations for kids

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Recordkeeping Resources

Homeschool Tracker

Homeschool Recordkeeping


Homeschool SkedTrack

She Knows Parenting blog

The Five J's

The Homescholar

I am Homeschooling


Joyful Mom of Many blog

Health lessons

The following links were found in lessons from Easy Peasy Health Unit 1

Lesson 1: Personal Hygiene: Take care of your body

Lesson 2: Does Sugar Affect the immune system?

Lesson 3: How does soda affect the immune system?

Lesson 4: Calculate how many calories you've burned today.

Lesson 5: Take a sleep quiz

Lesson 6: Read about eating right

Lesson 7: Play mission nutrition

Lesson 8: Crickweb

Lesson 9: Kids Health: Smoking Stinks! article

Lesson 10: WebMD: Surprising ways smoking affects your looks and life

Lesson 11: Read about some dangers of alcohol

And the following from Easy Peasy Health Unit 2

Lesson 12: Learn about fire safety

Lesson 13: Do you know your food groups?

Lesson 14: Food pyramid

Lesson 15: Importance of drinking

Lesson 16: Eating for energy

Lesson 17: Smart snack ideas

Lesson 18: What the heck is junk food?

Lesson 19: Figuring out food labels

Lesson 20: What is Tourette Syndrome?

Lesson 21: What is Autism?
  Watch this video too.

Lesson 22: Learn about mobility.

Lesson 23: Learn about hearing loss.

Lesson 24: Learn about vision loss.

Other world wide web resources follow: 

Review more topics at Kids Health!
   Check out the Topic List too!

Lesson 25: The Muscular System:

Lesson 26: The Skeletal System

Lesson 27: The Respiratory System

Lesson 28: The Immune System

Lesson 29: The Digestive System

Lesson 30: Teeth

Lesson 31: The 5 Senses

The heart:

Pinned Image

Lesson 32: The Immune System

Lesson 33: The Nervous System

Make me Genius

Kids Health Videos

HBO: The Weight of the Nation

HBO: The Weight of the Nation

     Part 1: Consequences

     Part 2: Choices

Science Projects

Hands-On Experiments:

First! A wonderful website for experiments with yummy candy!! Whaaaat!?!?! You know the kids will love it!

And experiments I'm excited about:

Lesson 1: the "naked" egg!

Lesson 2: exploding bags!

Lesson 6: Make moonsand

Lesson 7: Play-dough recipe


Lesson 8: Flubber recipe

The world outside:

Go Green:

repurposed bottles Repurposed bottles




Reading exercises: Tell me about your book

The following reading exercise suggestions from In the heart of my Home: Tell me about your book:
  • Write and tell a friend about the story.
  • Make a detailed map of the setting of the book.
  • Did something really catch your attention? Want to research it further?
  • Write a letter from the main character to you.
  • Choose a character you’d like to have as a friend. Write him or her a letter.
  • Tell why it would (or wouldn’t) make a great movie.
  • Describe an incident from it as though you were an on-the-scene TV reporter.
  • Illustrate w/drawings or photos
  • Explain its funniest (or saddest or most exciting) incident.
  • Make a new book jacket for the book
  • Write 3 paragraphs in a diary as if you were your favorite character.
  • Design and draw costumes for some of the characters.
  • Write a biography of one of the characters.
  • Write a letter to the editor about an issue in the book.
  • Draw it into newspaper cartooning squares.
  • Pretend a character had made an important decision differently. Write a new ending.
  • Make a list of facts you learned in the book
  • Write an Amazon review.
  • Compare the book to the movie version
  • Write a letter to the author

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Homeschool Resources of Note

This is just a very roughly drafted list which I have compiled (so far) of resources that I intend to research further. I've found many of them via Q&A posts on homeschooling networks on Facebook.  

I plan to update this list as I work my way through it.

Do you think that one can have TOO MUCH information?

Decisions.... Decisions....



Armored Penguin to create crossword puzzles 

Armored Penguin or Puzzlemaker to create word search puzzles


Worksheet Works and The Math Worksheet Site to create math problem worksheets

Arithmetic Village provides fun interactive activities for practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

Clever Dragons for boys and Clever Dragons for girls! Create a log-in and play. Provides fun activities for math, language arts, geography, typing skills, and teaches pet responsibilities.

XtraMath: provides activities to help with basic math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). These are timed activities to encourage quicker problem solving thinking.

Easy Peasy All In One Homeschool: provides a free (Bible-based) curriculum and includes links to other resource sites for use in conjunction. Follow it to the T - or use what you like and leave the rest.

IXL offers more online activities for Pre-K to Geometry

Grammar & Literature: 



Art/Creative Journaling: 

I use this form I created and posted to my Scribd account for writing prompts, cut and fold each prompt and place in a bucket. Then my child draws two prompts from the bucket, chooses between them, and writes as instructed by the prompt.

Kelly Kits

God in America From site: Inside the tumultuous 400-year history of the intersection of religion and public life in America -- from AMERICAN EXPERIENCE and FRONTLINE Since the days when the Puritan "city...

Teachers Servean interactive curriculum enrichment service, supplements humanities studies in high schools, colleges and universities. Divining America: Religion in American History offers essays by leading scholars, discussion guides, and links to online resources.

Maps of War See how the history of religion has evolved geographically. This brief 90-second timeline displays 5,000 years of the major religions on a world map, along with major world..

Internet Sacred Text This is library of electronic sacred texts of the world's religions, major and minor belief systems, mythology, legends and folklore. These are works that are in the public...

Markville History  This course, designed for 11th grade students, offers teachers and students a wealth of materials for studying world religions. The teachers' handouts, presentations and lecture notes, quizzes,...

Overview of World Religions This extensive overview of world religions contains graphic organizers and timelines so students can see the common religions of geographic areas, as well as detailed breakdowns by belief system....

Religions of the World This interactive website details the memberships of the largest religions in the world and the countries where their adherents are located. The interactive quiz has you order them..

Teddy's Day Out In this interactive game, kids pick one of the major religions - Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jew, Muslim, or Sikh - and select signs and symbols that you would see...

URI Kids: World  Religions URI introduces kids to the world's five major religions, and many smaller ones and other spiritual traditions. By exploring the wonder and diversity of the world's belief systems,..

World Religions Homework Help  This website designed for kids discusses the six main world religions, when they were founded, number of members, founder, sacred texts, buildings, branches, beliefs, clothing, ceremonies, and traditions.

World Religions Presentations This site provides links to many resources for teachers and kids on world religions. There are PowerPoint presentations for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism, Primal-Folk, and Mythology...

Bible Dudes The Bible Dudes offer an informative and entertaining history and summary of this book (these books) underlying the foundation of the Jewish and Christian religions.



Krazy Dad for printable sudoku worksheets

Word Scramble



Lesson PathwaysThis free K-12 curriculum contains 36 full-week lessons for science, math, history, phonics and reading.  This program relies upon a variety of reading materials, activities, games, and videos to provide a multi-sensory experience. It can be used as a core curriculum or as a supplement to an existing program.

K-12One of the leading free online public school programs.  Visit the company’s website to find out if this virtual homeschooling curriculum is available in your state, or follow this link to read reviews of K-12 that were submitted by other homeschoolers.

Connections Academy:  One of the most popular free virtual public school programs for grades K-12.  Visit the company’s website to find out if this free online charter school is available in your state, or follow this link to read reviews of Connections Academy that were written by other homeschoolers.

Ambleside OnlineThis is a free Charlotte Mason-style curriculum, with a complete schedule for grades K through 12.  Also contains the complete text of Charlotte Mason’s original homeschooling series, along with a library of free online books and a complimentary support group.

Teaching Textbooks

Confessions of a Homeschooler