Friday, September 14, 2012

Art Project: Create a miniature Zen Garden

I've created our own printable for a Daily Planner checklist (one for each child).  It has helped the kids with completing all of their daily (independent) work/chores and once I get home after work it helps me to know and check each of their assignments so that we can delve right in to our work together.  Last year, I simply kept up my own planner noting what we worked on for each day - but (I feel) this new checklist is as great as sliced bread (for us)!  We still revise it as needed but it has definitely been an improvement in keeping us up-to-speed on our work.  

We've incorporated the Sudoku puzzles into the kids independent studies which helps with deductive reasoning; plus! they enjoy them and it simply gets their brains "ticking" for me.  I've included the following links for some free Sudoku printables: Krazy Dad, Sudoku, and Print Activities.

For yesterday's art lesson, we searched the web for information on Zen Gardens and talked about their significance, then we followed by creating our own Zen Garden.

I purchased a small school supply box for each of them. 
I thought this clever because of the attached lid to help keep sand from being spilled all over the carpet. 

I already had a bag of sand which I had purchased from our local Lowe's.
(We have chimineas around the house and I fill them with sand and the plant a candle into it to burn without getting the wax build-up on the bottom of the chiminea.) 

The kids spread the sand with their make-shift "rakes" (aka plastic forks).

We planted rocks and small seashells into the sand gardens and then they began their sand art.  We used this as an opportunity to discuss ephemeral art and how we should never become too obsessed with anything materialistic.
(Wolfie broke one of the prongs off for easier maneuvering around his rocks.)

All in all, a fun project with some wonderful lessons to discuss.

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