The first couple of days went really well, and towards the end of the week we were all fairly exhausted. My wonderful plan of doing more schoolwork throughout the weekend to help get ahead for the following week did not unfold. Ah well, maybe next weekend (because I still think its a good idea, based on our schedules, to work on school during the weekend and then take Thursdays and Fridays off, if possible).
Wolfie is almost a master at this program as well as his workload. He has attended several live sessions now, and his fear of same is gone. Drew still needs quite a bit of attention, but that's okay.
Their favorite subject is (hold on to your seats here, big surprise - can we get a drum roll please?) ART!!! lol
I believe Wednesday and Thursday were pretty tough days for dad (from the sound of it), but Friday was easier and, as I said before, I believe me and the hub have more to learn than the kids. (pray for us)
We received a phone call from Drew's teacher on Thursday. It was only to touch base with us and see if we had any questions. Roy and I spoke with her, and then Drew got on the phone. Drew is so shy and quiet, but got off the phone talking about how nice the teacher is. Wolfie has not spoken on the phone with any of his teachers yet, but I don't believe its because they haven't called. We had a new line installed for the kids and school, and from the caller ID, it looks like we've gotten several calls from the school. I believe Wolfie just needs to recognize the incoming caller and get up the nerve to answer the phone. I'll also have to put dad on alert.
We also finished up the LEAP tests (Math & Reading). They both did fine. Drew had a hard time guessing at the ones she did not know (as we were instructed). Her thought was she simply HAD to get them all correct, and it just did NOT make sense to her to guess at the ones she did not know (even though I told her that's the way the test was going to go, and that's the way we were supposed to do it). Poor baby, really almost ended up in tears over it. It also appears that Wolfie is a really good guesser. He got quite a few correct that he had to guess at the answers. (Consequently, the instructions to guess confuse me because if the test is to see what the kids know and what they need to learn, then shouldn't they just leave the ones they don't know blank?)
I really wanted to take the kids swimming at my mothers this weekend, but it rained (maybe one day during the week). Otherwise, a pretty lazy weekend - that's okay too, we'll be ready for Monday.