Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New plan of action (Math)

Heard back from Drew's teacher regarding the information I submitted in the previous post. She too has revised Drew's schedule so that we can slow her down in Math.

Consequently, I am currently rerunning the scheduler every morning so that the Math assignments do not show overdue. Instead, we are working out of our workbooks or creating our own worksheets for the kids to refresh what they have already worked through.

I have backed-up Wolfie (7th grader) to refresh some of his basic multiplication and division until he is comfortable (maybe a few more days of this), and then will move forward into some of the algebraic mathematics we had touched on in the beginning of this year.

As for Drew (3rd grader), we have reverted back into adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers as well as multiplication of one-digit numbers. She did very well last night, and again I believe a few more days of this, and they will feel they have mastered these processes.

I don't know how much time was actually "bought" when our teachers revised our schedules, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for now, and staying focused on our current plan of action.

Although Thanksgiving holidays are just around the corner, I'll probably be the "mean" parent and have the children continue to work several of those days off, just to keep them focused as well as an attempt to get them caught up in a more timely manner. No matter, they'll still have plenty of time off.

Happy holidays!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Letter to the teacher

In my previous post, I expressed a concern I had over the kids moving too quickly through their Math assignments. Since, I sent the following letter to Wolfie's teacher and another similar in content to Drew's teacher.

"Wolfie is struggling with the recent Math quiz. I wanted to express my concerns (which not only apply to Wolfie but also my 3rd grader). You're just the "lucky" teacher I decided to poe it too, and hopefully you can provide some direction for us.

As Wolfie (and I) worked through the last few lessons, he did really well. He seemed to grasp everything quite well. Although, it is my opinion, he is moving through the lessons too quickly (each one introduces something new) and he doesn't have time to just stay with one lesson for a day or two longer to let it really sink in and allow him to be comfortable moving to the next lesson (comfort is important, I think), and this is causing a problem then later when he needs to recollect the processes. (My 3rd grader is having the same problem. She ends up in tears because she gets so overwhelmed.)

I'd really like to see them slow down. I mean, at this rate, they'll be doing calculus by 9th grade. *chuckling* I reeeeally don't think that's a good idea for them though. We could end with just a complete knowledge of all things algebraic and I think they'll still be doing really good (I did).

I know there is no deadline to turn in assignments, but there is a deadline to complete a course and we've had to double-up on math (for both students) in order to reach that goal. It's just SO not working for us. I got so frustrated and fussed at Wolfie last night (made him cry) because he couldn't recall what he had learned for the math test - and I know, it's not his fault. He just needs to back-up and do those lessons over again and dwell on them for a day or two before moving on.

Any help? Any suggestions please?

Much appreciation!

It wasn't long after sending this email that our teacher responded with a call to me. She made several suggestions and modifications to Wolfie's schedule which, hopefully, will allow him to spend more time absorbing the lessons before moving on. She was absolutely wonderful and expressed a sincere appreciation for my communication as well.

Relieved as I keep my fingers crossed now.

(I have not yet heard back from Drew's teacher, but I'm sure I will tomorrow.)

As for today's work, they both completed their priorities pretty timely. Wolfie worked some math problems from his workbook for previous lessons, rather than the scheduled assignment today. We are literally going to go back over previous lessons so that he can refresh.

Monday, November 8, 2010

School work, school work, & more school work

WOW! The workload is much bigger than I expected. It seems lately, that as soon as we think we've got a good flow of things, something else is added to the list. The kids easily spend 8+ hours a day on schoolwork. We finally get into the flow of the daily class schedules, and then we have live lessons for each of the classes to fit in (each of these last 30 minutes). While attending every live lesson is not a requirement, I do like to see the kids attend as several a week. Then there is the AskAMI live lessons, which is a math tutorial. It's a wonderful tutorial, but lower on our priority list because of all the other demands. Now we have TAKS live lessons as well, these are higher on the priority, because they are meant to help the kids with that test.

I'm a little disappointed too, that we seem to be pushing the kids along in the some of the courses for fear of getting too far behind. While most of the time, there are not (immediate) deadlines to turn in work, there is a deadline for completing each course. I am the sort that likes to stay on top of things, stay the course, and I put a lot of pressure on myself (and the kids) when I think we may fall behind. If we do not get all the work complete on the day it is assigned, not only is there the overdue lesson notice blasting at me from the front page, but we also must fear the smiley face transforming into the ever dreaded frowning face. Ugh!

Specifically, math seems to forge on with new lessons, when I would prefer to see both of the kids spending more time soaking up some of the other math lessons. For example, Drew has moved on to math lessons envolving multiplying 3 numbers (4x7x5=), while I would prefer to see her spend more time on adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers (369-137=) and basic multiplications (4x3= & 12x3=). I just think she needs to dwell on these areas a bit longer until her esteem is comfortable enough with it and then move forward. She tends to get discouraged and upset easily if she is overwhelmed, and Wolfie faces the same dilemma as well.

Note to self: contact the teachers about my concerns.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Electing Electives

The kids are moving along in their studies nicely. Grades are fine. Still, I feel a little pushed forward too quickly. At times, I would like to just pause for a while longer in certain areas that I feel the kids need more time to grasp, but I worry about getting too far behind on the classes as a result (the classes have completion deadlines). We have had to double up on Math on Mondays for both of the children so that they can complete it by the due date. As it is, we spend anywhere from 6 to 8 hours a day on schooling. We had try to rearrange so that the kids (and parents) had Thursdays and Fridays off from school and worked the weekend. Our motivation for that was due to our work schedules. We felt that it would take some of the pressure off at the end of the week and we would have more time on the weekend to dedicate to the studies. Turns out we really prefer to play on our weekends. So we are back on the Monday through Friday routine. I continue to encourage the children to do what they can on their own taking some of the load off of my daily activities. I think it's very important that they learn problem solving skills and are comfortable taking initiative. There is still a lot of progress to be made in this area, but we continue to move in the right direction.

It's October and time to sign up for elective classes if we so desire. While I'd like the kids to be involved in some of the classes and clubs offered, I think it would just be an overload on our schedule that could negativly backfire on their required classes and effect their grades. Maybe next year. In the meantime, I am planning to teach them some of the information I have on photography and photoshopping. They are both completely intrigued by it as well as both extremely artisticly talented children. The plan is to spend about an hour, more or less, on these subjects with each child, individually, on Saturdays and Sundays. Additionally, the hub has expressed an interest in photography and photoshopping as well, so that will probably be another hour, more or less, with him. My weekends are quickly being filled now and I would like to reserve time for my own photography passions.

With my very booked schedule and all the hustle and bustle here and there, one would think I should weigh much less than I do. What's up with that?!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

To title or not to title! (Is that the question?)

I don't really need a title to every blog, do I? Well, regardless...

I love lists! So when I found this neat notecard generator by blyberg I had to try it out. Only thing is, my list is probably a lot longer than this paper, but I can whip out another and another if I need to.

October is elective month. We are still debating as to whether or not we will sign up for anything just yet. Alternatively, the kids are interested in the photography and photoshopping that I do and I would love to show them, but maybe on our own rather than through the school. We are all still working really hard to keep the pace.

Last Thursday our family took a field trip of sorts. We drove to Fort Benning, Georgia to attend my step-sons graduation from boot camp. It was a long and exhaustive trip, but fun nonetheless. Wish we had more time and money to play though. Needless to say, we're playing catch-up on our school work now.

I've posted just of few of the 800+ photos I took on my flickr.

I continue to work with the kids on their problem solving skills. I would like them to attempt to find their solutions on their own, and make the just-ask-mom option their last resort.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 5

Things are coming along. Hub and I were quite exhausted by the end of the first few weeks; we have tweeked our schedule to accommodate us and now it's working out quite nicely - I think. We work on school Saturday through Wednesday, because it's so much nicer for Hub and I to have Thursday and Friday off.

I am beginning to back off from working too closely with the kids on their work as I want them to be a bit more independent from us. We do require that they allow us to look over there assessments before submitting them.

Wolfie has four or five portfolios and one or two lab projects he's working on. That's a lot! I have to keep reminding myself that he works at his own pace for the most part. I don't want to stress him with too much pressure to turn in work on the date its first scheduled, but I also don't want him to get too far behind.

Drew has two lab projects. The first was to monitor 4 flower plants. (1. Water & Sunlight; 2. No Water & Sunlight; 3. Water & No Sunlight; and 4. No Water & No Sunlight) She aches for the two plants that are dying, and is determined to "bring them back to life" when this lab is over.

Wolfie and I have been working on his math together. After the first week, he's got it! Yesterday he told me, "I love math! It's so much fun!" Helps to understand it. He has been working on adding/subtracting integers and multiplying/dividing integers. Hint: It's all about the "Order of Operations". I actually surprised myself when I understood it too (it's been so long).

Initially Language Arts was Drew's toughest subject, simply because there was so much to it. The work just seemed to go on and on and on. Now though, she is looking forward to it. Again, it helps to understand it and she has positioned herself to work on this subject with less supervision. I love it.

The kids grades are really reflecting their understanding, and the hardest part now has become that they have to do schoolwork at all. Obviously, they would prefer to play their games and watch their favorite movies, etc.

We did have our teachers re-arranged a little due to the over-enrollment issues and some of the children being transfered to National CA, but nothing too dramatic. Administration was so professional and communicative! They could not have handled it better. (Wolfie wasn't transfered.)

For physical education the kids are becoming quite skilled in their yoga positions. Very entertaining to watch them and while I'm trying to get some good pictures of that to share with you, they keep catching me and aren't too keen on the idea of my posting those shots. (Will keep trying though.) I'd really like to purchase a couple of yoga mats too. Right now they are simply on the carpet which works, but, I think, the yoga mats add to the fun atmosphere of doing the yoga in the first place.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week One

First let me apologize as I have no photo to accompany this post, but still wanted to get in a quick update on how our first week of school went.

The first couple of days went really well, and towards the end of the week we were all fairly exhausted. My wonderful plan of doing more schoolwork throughout the weekend to help get ahead for the following week did not unfold. Ah well, maybe next weekend (because I still think its a good idea, based on our schedules, to work on school during the weekend and then take Thursdays and Fridays off, if possible).

Wolfie is almost a master at this program as well as his workload. He has attended several live sessions now, and his fear of same is gone. Drew still needs quite a bit of attention, but that's okay.

Their favorite subject is (hold on to your seats here, big surprise - can we get a drum roll please?) ART!!! lol

I believe Wednesday and Thursday were pretty tough days for dad (from the sound of it), but Friday was easier and, as I said before, I believe me and the hub have more to learn than the kids. (pray for us)

We received a phone call from Drew's teacher on Thursday. It was only to touch base with us and see if we had any questions. Roy and I spoke with her, and then Drew got on the phone. Drew is so shy and quiet, but got off the phone talking about how nice the teacher is. Wolfie has not spoken on the phone with any of his teachers yet, but I don't believe its because they haven't called. We had a new line installed for the kids and school, and from the caller ID, it looks like we've gotten several calls from the school. I believe Wolfie just needs to recognize the incoming caller and get up the nerve to answer the phone. I'll also have to put dad on alert.

We also finished up the LEAP tests (Math & Reading). They both did fine. Drew had a hard time guessing at the ones she did not know (as we were instructed). Her thought was she simply HAD to get them all correct, and it just did NOT make sense to her to guess at the ones she did not know (even though I told her that's the way the test was going to go, and that's the way we were supposed to do it). Poor baby, really almost ended up in tears over it. It also appears that Wolfie is a really good guesser. He got quite a few correct that he had to guess at the answers. (Consequently, the instructions to guess confuse me because if the test is to see what the kids know and what they need to learn, then shouldn't they just leave the ones they don't know blank?)

I really wanted to take the kids swimming at my mothers this weekend, but it rained (maybe one day during the week). Otherwise, a pretty lazy weekend - that's okay too, we'll be ready for Monday.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First (Official) Day of School

Well, let me back up in time about 7 or 8 years, back when all of my kids were young and living at home (I have five kids in all - his, hers, & ours), and I - for the sake of sanity - put together a "Consequences & Actions" chart. It was wonderful. The kids knew what to expect, and understood the consequences for certain actions (it was no longer a punishment just because I was at the end of my rope - it was just, simply, the rules of the household), and it was magical. More importantly, it saved my sanity and their bottoms. But you know, the difficult part was not getting the kids on the program, it was getting ME on the program.

As I wrapped things up for today (the first day of schooling at home), I'm seeing a parallel, as it is painfully apparent that me and the husband (Roy) have a LOT to learn! It was also very apparent that the kids are going to slide into the swing of this thing with ease. They both did very, very well today. It was great, and I was really proud of them! No worries.

YouTube video for Connections Academy

I just got wind of this video for Connections Academy on YouTube and couldn't wait to share it. You can pass it along to any of your family and friends who would like another sneek peek about this online public school.

To watch, click on the following link:

Connections Academy YouTube video

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A taste of what's to come

Today I sat down with my kids to begin some of their classes. I will not be taking Monday off and I wanted them to get a taste of their projects so they could know what to expect, and maybe get a little headstart.

Wolfie started with History and he went through it easily with very few questions. After he finished the assessment we realized that we would not be able to submit the projects until the first day of school. That's okay. He can fly through these assignments on Monday, submit them, and move on to the others. He also chose to go through his math assignment (struggled a little more there, I am supposing because it's been a while since he's done math work). He also tends to be insecure and hesitant to commit to his answers. We talked about it, but I believe this will be one of his longterm challenges (it's his momma's side showing).

Drew began with her Language Arts. There was quite a bit of work, including several different reading assignments, worksheets, and vocabulary. Consequently, this was all she concentrated on. Overall she did well, but did get a little nervous and worried about it being too hard. I reassured her that we would all be learning new things and it was okay to focus on those answers she knew first, leaving the harder questions for last.

We worked for only two hours and then it was obvious they needed a break, so we called it a day.

After they wrapped it up, they both walked away feeling reassured about what to expect on Monday.

As I will be keeping my day job, their dad will be home to help them as needed during the day, and I will help them when I get home from work. We expect them to be fairly needy for a while, growing more comfortable and working more independently as the year progresses.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Completed study areas

The kids have their schedules as well. Each assigned your typical classes (Math, English, Science, Social Studies, PE, Computer Learning, and Art) spread throughout the week, but without specific time allotments (although their live sessions will be time specific). Live sessions are classes held via webcam. Their teacher can be viewed (live) on the computer screen (in one corner) with another portion of the screen showing the "board" the teacher is writing on. It is held with other children logged in and everyone is able to communicate together. It also has an area portioned for the child to type in comments and questions, and also includes shortcut keys for the child to select so that he/she can communicate (silently) to the teacher about "stepping away" from the desk, or "raising hand", or "slow down please", and so on.

Drew is nervous, I think because of the live sessions. I don't believe she realizes yet that those don't occur everyday. Maybe I see about getting a little time off or moving my lunch around so that I can help her with her first live session. Additionally, we will begin our lessons tomorrow (Sunday). School officially begins this Monday, but I'm not taking Monday off (as I usually did with the BM (bricks & mortar) schools. This will allow her to ease into her lessons and a schedule, knowing a little more about what to expect.

I beleve the hardest part will be their schedules. They are used to waking up and flipping on the cartoons. New schedule does not allow for the television to be on during school time. I'm sure it will happen, it just may take us all some time to get in the new routine.

These are photos of their study areas, complete with new rugs, chairs, computers, supplies, desk organizers (the only ones in town, and pricey!), and so on.

We lack mousepads and printer ink (will do tomorrow).

Monday, August 16, 2010

Meet-the-Teach picnic

We attended the school's meet-the-teacher picnic today in Houston. It was held in a pavilion in the park. Unfortunately, it rained, hard. As you see in the photo above, we piled under the shelter, shoulder to shoulder. What impressed me most was, while everyone was drenched from either the rain or the humidity, everyone was still in good spirits. The faculity did an excellent job of making the best of a soggy situation, and I'm glad we went. We did get to meet several of Wolfie's teachers as well as Drew's, and that was the point, after all.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Study area is almost finished

We received most of our shipments from Connections Academy (CA). We've got Drew's computer set up (save the wireless internet adapters, which we purchase ourselves, and plan to buy next week) and all of the school books have arrived. We are still waiting for Wolfie's computer to come in and he will be releaved, I'm sure, although he's waiting patiently and hasn't uttered a word of worry about it.

The kids, both, have their schedules as well, and we've walked through the first couple of days together so that they know what to expect. Tomorrow we head out to the meet-the-teacher picnic in Houston. Totally excited about that! and hoping to meet all of their teachers.

The new carpet is in, as well as most of the supplies. We lack a few more things, like chairs! But we're shopping around for those.

The supply cabinets are cleaned up and getting organized.

I got to sit down with my mother this weekend and show her the study room, books, computer, and CA website. She was really excited and had a positive attitude about it. I think many of her worries are being rested as she becomes more and more familiar with the program, and it's always a relief when momma approves.

Storage area gets a make-over

The kids were such a big help getting their study room prepared. Previously a storage/junk area, the walls are now painted and window treatment put up.

Above shot of my sweeties, Drew (in green) and Wolfie (in blue) painting away. They never tired which surprised me.

Getting things cleaned up for new flooring too.

A cluttered "china" cabinet will be converted into our supply cabinet.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

1st Package arrived

Today we received our first shipment from Connections Academy. Only one box which included Drew's computer monitor. Today I also completed the training videos (and quizzes for same). Whew! A plethora of information about what to expect and my responsibilities, but very long.

While we have already designated and started preparing the study area for the kids, we still have a lot of work to do. Receiving the package has motivated us to do more work this weekend. This weekend appears to be a busy one.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Setting up - phase I

Now that we have completed the final registration requirements, I am focusing now on getting our work areas set up. I work in an office all day long and so I consider myself at least little knowledgeable on what is conducive for this task, but I also have to take into consideration that I have two young people that will, on occassion, get on each others nerves. Therefore, I'd like to be able to keep them separate to an extent, but still close enough that they can share some equipment (i.e., the printer and phone) and supplies. We've got an area designated, but the hunt for furniture begins.
I'll post pictures as we progress.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's Official!

We have just finished registration for our "homeschooling" program, Connections Academy, and we have received our "thumbs up" from the school as well.

The kids are so excited, they are ready to get started "right now". Though we need the summertime to buy desks and chairs and supplies for our study areas.

My mother has her concerns but she seems to be totally on board with the idea. That's a relief. I guess we never get so old that we outgrow the desire to have our mommy's approval.

I've received invitations for seminars for the school and I'm really hoping to get off of work so that we can attend one.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One foot in the door...

To do list:

[ ] Wolfie needs two more vaccinations to be brought up to date. Get those done and turn in current shot record.

[ ] Mail withdrawal notices to schools on Monday, then send carbon copies to "new" school.

[ ] Obtain final report cards from school and then forward to "new" school.

[ ] Then, done! After that, wait until the new school year begins.

I am enrolling the kids in an online school programs which follows the guidelines of an public ISD. Consequently, this online school, Connections Academy, will provide the curriculum, handle most of the record keeping, provide academic supplies (books, computers, worksheets, etc).

It appears I'll have a fantastic support group as well. I have a friend whose kids are currently enrolled in the program and doing fabulously. And she knows several other families who are following suit. So we're already talking field trips together, and so one.

First things first, knock out my "To do list".

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pre-registration begins

Well I've pre-registered for our "homeschooling" program, though I still have a lot of paperwork to turn in, I'll be doing most of that tomorrow. We're winding up this year and already I can't wait to get started on this program.

I informed the attorney I work for about our plans. Sort of informed her accidently though. She was surprised but supportive.

Yesterday I was dropping my son off at his middle school and there in front were five elderly men protesting abortion.

Whatever your position is on this topic, and whatever my position, I totally had a problem with this protest.

Two of the men had large 4 foot by 4 foot posters, in color. The first was of an aborted baby with the guts torn apart, and the second was of an aborted baby torn to pieces. It was horrible. And more, these men were displaying these photos at the entrance to the drive thru of the school. I suppose even if they had been at the exit of the drive thru, AFTER the children were dropped off, I would still have the same issue.

I approached one of the men and said, "my son attends school here and I don't want him seeing these horrible pictures." He turned to me and said, "talk to him about it."

Well, how about I talk to him about it when I feel the time is right - not you!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I was sick and I had to take some gross medicine and
I ate Popeyes and ice cream and played with
my toy puppy, Snuggles.
(I have promised my kids they could post to this blog on occassion. I thought it would be good to get their take on homeschooling (or whatever). Drew has been pretty persistent and so she starts. I'm thinking eventually I will assign each of them a specific day of the week.)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Cat's out of the Bag

Yesterday I told my mother our plans to homeschool. It actually went well. She only had a few hundred questions and requested more information about the program we'll be using. It was a relief to get her in on our "little secret".

It's March now, and with only a few more months to go until the end of this year, the kids (and I) are getting anxious for the end of this school year.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook fun!

FOR TODAY...from Peggy's Daybook
If you would like to join in this fun, pop on over to Simple Woman's Daybook

OUTSIDE MY WINDOW it's a quiet, dark, and misty night. Nothing stirring, not even a mouse.
I AM THINKING, I had a wonderful 3 day weekend with my "babies" and I wish it wasn't ending tonite.
I AM THANKFUL FOR the magical ways my children give me relief from the stresses in life.
I AM WEARING sleeping shorts and an oversized t-shirt.
I AM REMEMBERING when all of my "babies" lived here at home with us.
I AM GOING to work harder on some projects I've got going on.
I AM CURRENTLY READING "Homeschooling for Dummies" and blog after blog after blog.
ON MY MIND, is my eldest son, Aaron, off at college. It's been a while since he's been able to come home - maybe we will be able to go up and see him this weekend?
NOTICING THAT, time flys when you have fun.
PONDERING THE WORDS from my conversation with Aaron on the phone earlier.
FROM THE KITCHEN, a bucket of extremely buttered popcorn my kids and I shared over a movie this evening.
AROUND THE HOUSE, is a lovely mess of a home well-lived in (grinning).
ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS, my children's artwork. They are quickly becoming the masters (and I'm not just saying that because I'm biased! Really! It's true!)
FROM MY PICTURE JOURNAL, here is one...(and more at Barefoot Posse's blog)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Newbie reaches out

I spent the day surfing the net for fellow homeschooling bloggers to follow, and what a fantastic group I've found! It gives me comfort to know that I can simply log-in to this homeschooling community to receive comfort, reassurance, information, and resources. If you have any suggestions for me, of course I would love to hear them!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


The end of this school year marks a very significant transformation for our family. It is my youngest son's "graduation" from 6th grade and my daughter's "graduation" from 2nd grade, and the beginning of our education at home. Oh, these aren't my only two children. We are a family of seven all together. A quick introduction of my blended and multiracial (Caucasian and Hispanic) family: my husband, Roy; my "first" stepson, Jr.; my "first" son, Aaron; my "second" stepson, Corey; my "second" son, Wolfie; and my daughter, Drew. Oh, and of course, myself. Hi, I'm Karen. My two oldest children have graduated and the third eldest is graduating this year, and all did very well in public school, with very few "issues". Unfortunately, our school district is going through many of its own major transformations of which I have been very unhappy, but that is not what this blog is about.

I've decided to blog about our homeschooling experience because it is one of the most difficult decisions I have had to make. It is also one that I don't expect to receive a lot of support or enthusiasm from my extended family, simply because they love my children as well and share a concern for their wellbeing too, so I acknowledge their desire to be kept informed on our homeschooling developments. And as opposed to going through my rationale and daily events over and over with each of them, well, with this blog they can peek into our lives and gain the latest on our homeschooling news. Hopefully, it will offer them (and me) some relief as well. Don't get me wrong, I realize it's going to be full of ups and downs, good days and bad, productive days and not so productive days, doubts and confirmations, but I also feel that sticking it out is going to be half the battle. I believe kids crave information and education; I know mine do. They really amaze me with their brilliance.

I would also like to share that I am a huge self-doubter, so I cannot even begin to express the worries and what-ifs I have entertained. The last thing, the worst thing, would be that I make this transition only to realize that I have done a disservice to my children. I am sure every homeschooling parent has felt the same worries. And I am sure it comes with the territory. I mean, what-if this turns out to be too much responsibility for me and my children. What-if my children do not do well with this program. What-if we decide to re-enroll them in public school later, only to find out that they have fallen far behind. But then, I don't believe that setting a "d-day" of six months (or whatever) to decide whether to continue homeschooling or to return to public school is realistic either. I believe there will be a period of adjustment, for all of us, getting set-up, becoming accustomed to a new schedule and understanding how the program works. And maybe, we will be doing our studies year-around for a while, taking time off only here and there for family vacations. I also believe that part of the homeschooling experience is that the child progresses at his/her own pace, and could wound up graduating earlier or later than expected. You see, as easily as I can worry myself out of something, I can also rationalize myself back into it.

I first began checking into homeschooling about a year ago and found a plethora of programs and resources, and I have chosen, what I believe is, a fantastic program for our family. It was introduced to me by a friend already using it with her own children, and doing so very successfully. It is a "satellite school" which means we are enrolled in a full school program with some of the work done in books mailed back and forth, and other work done via the internet. They have staff and teachers available to help us with questions or concerns. They offer all the basics as well as a wide variety of elective classes.

Although enrollment doesn't begin until later, I decided to start blogging immediately because in essence, this is when the commitment to homeschool begins. With the research, discovery, rationale, and planning, and I wanted (you) to get in on this journey at the very inception.

Drew is very excited about homeschooling and I constantly find myself talking her into finishing out this year in public school. Wolfie, too, is excited with his main concern being his social life; so we are preparing him for that by ensuring him that he may continue to spend time with his friends. We will also look into other extracurricular activities.